Gigasperma crypticum E. Horak
NZOR Identifier: b7e154bf-68bb-4e01-a616-a6892d5c2a3cStatus
- Synonym of Thaxterogaster crypticus (E. Horak) Niskanen & Liimat. (NZOR Concept Id 4d42e0c6-dba4-4ec5-a24f-c9eb6031cb55)
- kingdom
- Fungi
- subkingdom
- Dikarya
- phylum
- Basidiomycota
- subphylum
- Agaricomycotina
- class
- Agaricomycetes
- subclass
- Agaricomycetidae
- order
- Agaricales
- suborder
- Agaricineae
- family
- Cortinariaceae
- genus
- Gigasperma
- species
- Gigasperma crypticum E. Horak
Scientific Name
- Authority
- E. Horak
- Rank
- species
- Published in
- Horak, E. 1971: Contributions to the knowledge of the Agaricales s.l. (Fungi) of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9(3): 463-493
- Micro-reference (page)
- 491
- Year
- 1971
- Nomenclatural Comment
- grammatical correction of the epithet ending to agree with the neuter gender of the genus, New Zealand, HOLOTYPE PDD 27002, Isotype Horak ZT 68/504. "In humus between roots of Nothofagus fusca and N. menziesii; track to St. Arnaud Range, Lake Rotoiti, Prov. Nelson, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 23.V.1968".
- Original orthography
- cryptica
- Governing Code
- Is Recombination
- No
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- d2dcf008-0e35-4c14-96fd-3025d5d3f47b
- According to
- Liimatainen, Kare; Kim, Jan T.; Pokorny, Lisa; Kirk, Paul M.; Dentinger, Bryn; Niskanen, Tuula 2022: Taming the beast: a revised classification of Cortinariaceae based on genomic data. Fungal Diversity 112(1): 89-170.
- Preferred Name
- Thaxterogaster crypticus (E. Horak) Niskanen & Liimat. (In use by NZOR) }
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 41e23c89-b899-471e-a6f5-3825cebae615
- According to
- NZFUNGI (2012-) New Zealand Fungi Names - Name Based Concepts
- Has Parent
- Gigasperma (In use by NZOR)
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- ba30cc37-0fa8-48e6-ba9a-1dd28e08a3e5
- According to
- Liimatainen, Kare; Kim, Jan T.; Pokorny, Lisa; Kirk, Paul M.; Dentinger, Bryn; Niskanen, Tuula 2022: Taming the beast: a revised classification of Cortinariaceae based on genomic data. Fungal Diversity 112(1): 89-170.
- Preferred Name
- Thaxterogaster crypticus (E. Horak) Niskanen & Liimat. }
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- a754a449-3d36-4637-88fd-b8eb7ebeebf9
- According to
- Segedin, B.P.; Pennycook, S.R. 2001: A nomenclatural checklist of agarics, boletes, and related secotioid and gasteromycetous fungi recorded from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 39(2): 285-348
- Preferred Name
- Gigasperma crypticum E. Horak }
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 207f99c2-dae4-4152-a776-00344773f500
- According to
- Pennycook, S.R. 2004: Bibliographic checklist of agarics, boletes, and related fungi recorded from New Zealand.Fungi of New Zealand 1. Fungal Diversity Press.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 05edee91-89f2-4581-a6ff-00982b2839de
- According to
- Pennycook, S.R.; Galloway, D.J. 2004: Checklist of New Zealand "fungi".Fungi of New Zealand 1. Fungal Diversity Press.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 1801da8c-0818-42b4-a90a-182ff5fdd0af
- According to
- Horak, E. 1971: Contributions to the knowledge of the Agaricales s.l. (Fungi) of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9(3): 463-493
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- fbf97b03-f46d-4309-b614-3830f9e877e1
- According to
- McKenzie, E.H.C.; Buchanan, P.K.; Johnston, P.R. 2000: Checklist of fungi on Nothofagus species in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 38(4): 635-720
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 2be42ae4-deb7-4b3e-8fea-40f9e527ed72
- According to
- Hitchmough, R. (compiler) 2002: New Zealand Threat System lists.Threatened Species Occasional Publication 23. DOC.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 5db9492d-c153-4c50-bfd8-74992fb4519d
- According to
- Castellano, M.A.; Trappe, J.M. 1992: Australasian truffle-like fungi. VI. Gigasperma (Basidiomycotina, Tricholomataceae) and Horakiella gen. nov. (Basidiomycotina, Sclerodermataceae).. Australian Systematic Botany 5: 639-643
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 4260b6a0-cf9b-4a4e-9cec-ba1f541cc9cd
- According to
- Genbank NCBI database
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 52c29c6c-eed6-4e04-aec3-d195c87e876a
- According to
- Kropp, B.R.; Albee-Scott, S.; Castellano, M.A.; Trappe, J.M. 2011: Cryptolepiota, a new sequestrate genus in the Agaricaceae with evidence for adaptive radiation in western North America. Mycologia
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- f3deadfe-c93c-4ee5-895f-e40222770b4c
- According to
- Horak, E. 1983: Mycogeography in the South Pacific region: Agaricales, Boletales. Australian Journal of Botany 10: 1-41
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 5a214b84-30dc-4263-a29f-f792a9cacf63
- According to
- Castellano, M.A.; Trappe, J.M. 1990: Australasian truffle-like fungi. I. Nomenclatural bibliography of type descriptions of Basidiomycotina. Australian Systematic Botany 3: 653-670
No subordinate taxa
No vernacular applications
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