Fusarium zealandicum Nirenberg & Samuels

NZOR Identifier: 9b971280-55ea-45eb-911e-aa395d5578cc


Synonym of Geejayessia zealandica (Cooke) Schroers (NZOR Concept Id 902c3f04-c6a0-4a0f-942b-744b489934ff)


Fusarium zealandicum Nirenberg & Samuels


Scientific Name

Nirenberg & Samuels
Published in
Nirenberg, H.I.; Samuels, G.J. 2000: Nectria and Fusarium. II. Cosmospora zealandica comb. nov. and its anamorph, Fusarium zealandicum sp. nov.. Canadian Journal of Botany 78(11): 1482-1487
Micro-reference (page)
Nomenclatural Comment
New Zealand. GJS culture 83-235, holotype BPI 747915, isotype PDD 46436, ex type BBA 64792, CBS 111.93, ICMP 9705, B 129637,
Taxonomic Comment
If the preferred name of this fungus is accepted as Fusarium zealandicum, then the type of this fungus is Nectria zealandica Cooke, and a recombination is needed for the Cooke name. [PRJ, March 2018]
Governing Code
Is Recombination

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
NZFUNGI (2012-) New Zealand Fungi Names - Name Based Concepts
Has Parent
Fusarium (In use by NZOR)
Preferred Name
Geejayessia zealandica (Cooke) Schroers }

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Crous, P.W.; Lombard, L.; Sandoval-Denis, M.; Seifert, K.A.; Schroers, H.-J.; Chaverri, P.; Gené, J.; Guarro, J.; Hirooka, Y.; Bensch, K.; Kema, G.H.J.; Lamprecht, S.C.; Cai, L.; Rossman, A.Y.; Stadler, M.; Summerbell, R.C.; Taylor, J.W.; Ploch, S.; Visagie, C.M.; Yilmaz, N.; Frisvad, J.C.; Abdel-Azeem, A.M.; Abdollahzadeh, J.; Abdolrasouli, A.; Akulov, A.; Alberts, J.F.; Araújo, J.P.M.; Ariyawansa, H.A.; Bakhshi, M.; Bendiksby, M.; Ben Hadj Amor, A.; Bezerra, J.D.P.; Boekhout, T.; Câmara, M.P.S.; Carbia, M.; Cardinali, G.; Castañeda-Ruiz, R.F.; Celis, A.; Chaturvedi, V.; Collemare, J.; Croll, D.; Damm, U.; Decock, C.A.; de Vries, R.P.; Ezekiel, C.N.; Fan, X.L.; Fernández, N.B.; Gaya, E.; González, C.D.; Gramaje, D.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Grube, M.; Guevara-Suarez, M.; Gupta, V.K.; Guarnaccia, V.; Haddaji, A.; Hagen, F.; Haelewaters, D.; Hansen, K.; Hashimoto, A.; Hernández-Restrepo, M.; Houbraken, J.; Hubka, V.; Hyde, K.D.; Iturriaga, T.; Jeewon, R.; Johnston, P.R.; Jurjević, Ž.; Karalti, İ.; Korsten, L.; Kuramae, E.E.; Kušan, I.; Labuda, R.; Lawrence, D.P.; Lee, H.B.; Lechat, C.; Li, H.Y.; Litovka, Y.A.; Maharachchikumbura, S.S.N.; Marin-Felix, Y.; Matio Kemkuignou, B.; Matočec, N.; McTaggart, A.R.; Mlčoch, P.; Mugnai, L.; Nakashima, C.; Nilsson, R.H.; Noumeur, S.R.; Pavlov, I.N.; Peralta, M.P.; Phillips, A.J.L.; Pitt, J.I.; Polizzi, G.; Quaedvlieg, W.; Rajeshkumar, K.C.; Restrepo, S.; Rhaiem, A.; Robert, J.; Robert, V.; Rodrigues, A.M.; Salgado-Salazar, C.; Samson, R.A.; Santos, A.C.S.; Shivas, R.G.; Souza-Motta, C.M.; Sun, G.Y.; Swart, W.J.; Szoke, S.; Tan, Y.P.; Taylor, J.E.; Taylor, P.W.J.; Tiago, P.V.; Váczy, K.Z.; van de Wiele, N.; van der Merwe, N.A.; Verkley, G.J.M.; Vieira, W.A.S.; Vizzini, A.; Weir, B.S.; Wijayawardene, N.N.; Xia, J.W.; Yáñez-Morales, M.J.; Yurkov, A.; Zamora, J.C.; Zare, R.; Zhang, C.L.; Thines, M. 2021: Fusarium: more than a node or a foot-shaped basal cell. Studies in Mycology 98: 100116.
Preferred Name
Geejayessia zealandica (Cooke) Schroers (In use by NZOR) }

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Geiser, David M.; Aoki, Takayuki; Bacon, Charles W.; Baker, Scott E.; Bhattacharyya, Madan K.; Brandt, Mary E.; Brown, Daren W.; Burgess, Lester W.; Chulze, Sofia; Coleman, Jeffrey J.; Correll, James C.; Covert, Sarah F.; Crous, Pedro W.; Cuomo, Christina A.; De Hoog, G. Sybren; Di Pietro, Antonio; Elmer, Wade H.; Epstein, Lynn; Frandsen, Rasmus J. N.; Freeman, Stanley; Gagkaeva, Tatiana; Glenn, Anthony E.; Gordon, Thomas R.; Gregory, Nancy F.; Hammond-Kosack, Kim E.; Hanson, Linda E.; Jímenez-Gasco, María del Mar; Kang, Seogchan; Kistler, H. Corby; Kuldau, Gretchen A.; Leslie, John F.; Logrieco, Antonio; Lu, Guozhong; Lysøe, Erik; Ma, Li-Jun; McCormick, Susan P.; Migheli, Quirico; Moretti, Antonio; Munaut, Françoise; O'Donnell, Kerry; Pfenning, Ludwig; Ploetz, Randy C.; Proctor, Robert H.; Rehner, Stephen A.; Robert, Vincent A. R. G.; Rooney, Alejandro P.; bin Salleh, Baharuddin; Scandiani, Maria Mercedes; Scauflaire, Jonathan; Short, Dylan P. G.; Steenkamp, Emma; Suga, Haruhisa; Summerell, Brett A.; Sutton, Deanna A.; Thrane, Ulf; Trail, Francis; Van Diepeningen, Anne; VanEtten, Hans D.; Viljoen, Altus; Waalwijk, Cees; Ward, Todd J.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Xu, Jin-Rong; Yang, Xiao-Bing; Yli-Mattila, Tapani; Zhang, Ning 2013: One Fungus, One Name: Defining the GenusFusariumin a Scientifically Robust Way That Preserves Longstanding Use. Phytopathology 103(5): 400-408.
Preferred Name
Fusarium zealandicum Nirenberg & Samuels }

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Schroers, H.J; Gräfenhan, T.; Nirenberg, H.I.; Seifert, K.A. 2011: A revision of Cyanonectria and Geejayessia gen. nov., and related species with Fusarium-like anamorphs.Studies in Mycology 68. 138 p.
Preferred Name
Geejayessia zealandica (Cooke) Schroers }

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Nirenberg, H.I.; Samuels, G.J. 2000: Nectria and Fusarium. II. Cosmospora zealandica comb. nov. and its anamorph, Fusarium zealandicum sp. nov.. Canadian Journal of Botany 78(11): 1482-1487

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Pennycook, S.R.; Galloway, D.J. 2004: Checklist of New Zealand "fungi".Fungi of New Zealand 1. Fungal Diversity Press.

No subordinate taxa

No vernacular applications

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