Entoloma decolorans E. Horak
NZOR Identifier: b4c03ad2-b35a-493b-a089-257d05551ea8Status
- Synonym of Entoloma melanocephalum G. Stev. (NZOR Concept Id c5e288dd-c292-49ae-93ae-ff0af334fd80)
- kingdom
- Fungi
- subkingdom
- Dikarya
- phylum
- Basidiomycota
- subphylum
- Agaricomycotina
- class
- Agaricomycetes
- subclass
- Agaricomycetidae
- order
- Agaricales
- suborder
- Hygrophineae
- family
- Hygrocybaceae
- tribe
- Hygrocybeae
- genus
- Nolanea
- species
- Entoloma decolorans E. Horak
Scientific Name
- Authority
- E. Horak
- Rank
- species
- Published in
- Horak, E. 1973: Fungi Agaricini Novazelandiae I-V.Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 43.
- Micro-reference (page)
- 65
- Year
- 1973
- Nomenclatural Comment
- 'Ahaura, Ngahere, Prov. Westcoast, New Zealand; leg. Horak, 15.111.1968', Holotype PDD 27049, Isotype Horak ZT 68/167
- Governing Code
- Is Recombination
- No
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 8b893204-0790-4c66-a20b-651f95077f90
- According to
- Horak, E. 2008: Agaricales (Basidiomycota) of New Zealand. 1. Pluteaceae (Pluteus, Volvariella), Entolomataceae (Clitopilus, Entoloma, Pouzarella, Rhodocybe, Richoniella).Fungi of New Zealand 5. Fungal Diversity Press.
- Preferred Name
- Entoloma melanocephalum G. Stev. (In use by NZOR) }
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 4ded0e0d-5f07-4eae-ab22-c8f83b836e00
- According to
- NZFUNGI (2012-) New Zealand Fungi Names - Name Based Concepts
- Has Parent
- Nolanea (In use by NZOR)
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- a901f6cb-9fb6-44c0-8929-10579768dfba
- According to
- Taylor, G.M. ed. 1981: Mushrooms and Toadstools. Reed.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 573acfbb-2bb3-4631-89af-364082c69485
- According to
- Segedin, B.P.; Pennycook, S.R. 2001: A nomenclatural checklist of agarics, boletes, and related secotioid and gasteromycetous fungi recorded from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 39(2): 285-348
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- edc00c03-de83-416a-a4ba-5574ac71c3b3
- According to
- NZFUNGI (unassigned reference);
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 70736839-a48c-46ec-aafd-707dc6ad0a0b
- According to
- Ridley, G.S.; Horne, D. ed. 2006: A Photographic Guide to Mushrooms and other Fungi of New Zealand. New Holland.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 0a7edc1e-a869-4215-9c5e-881f2f44b32e
- According to
- Ridley, G.S. 2004: A System for the Development of English Language Names for Agarics and Boletes in New Zealand (and Australia?). Australasian Mycologist 23(1): 27-30
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 78f0c0d1-32af-44a1-b5a1-b53d3d0537f0
- According to
- Pennycook, S.R. 2004: Bibliographic checklist of agarics, boletes, and related fungi recorded from New Zealand.Fungi of New Zealand 1. Fungal Diversity Press.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 8ea57afb-db9a-4e67-ac5d-cce6f76d2f1c
- According to
- Horak, E. 1973: Fungi Agaricini Novazelandiae I-V.Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 43.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 0b2ca44c-9a41-4470-9ba0-de9ecf0c99af
- According to
- Bell, A.E. 1988: Bushy Park Fungal Foray [2nd NZ Fungal Foray]. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 14: 12
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 180f0ce7-0672-481a-b232-e22370cdc1a0
- According to
- Horak, E. 1980: Entoloma (Agaricales) in Indomalaya and Australasia.Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 65.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 2fa17187-7209-46fd-9494-e98bf09d0183
- According to
- Hitchmough, R. (compiler) 2002: New Zealand Threat System lists.Threatened Species Occasional Publication 23. DOC.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- a95c6d96-b6cf-4636-9702-fe3f02d57c19
- According to
- Pennycook, S.R.; Galloway, D.J. 2004: Checklist of New Zealand "fungi".Fungi of New Zealand 1. Fungal Diversity Press.
No subordinate taxa
Application - has vernacular
- Full Name
- Blue-shanked Pinkgill
- Name Id
- 44155549-38bb-4571-ae96-5fc7bac6c90d
- According To
- Ridley, G.S. 2004: A System for the Development of English Language Names for Agarics and Boletes in New Zealand (and Australia?). Australasian Mycologist 23(1): 27-30
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