Botryosphaeria parva Pennycook & Samuels

NZOR Identifier: 33ea004b-a430-400d-9edf-f0a4a7b17a93


Synonym of Neofusicoccum parvum (Pennycook & Samuels) Crous, Slippers & A.J.L. Phillips (NZOR Concept Id bf9d4732-46fc-47f0-b625-7ae12b14df68)


Botryosphaeria parva Pennycook & Samuels


Scientific Name

Pennycook & Samuels
Published in
Pennycook, S.R.; Samuels, G.J. 1985: Botryosphaeria and Fusicoccum species associated with ripe fruit rot of Actinidia deliciosa (kiwifruit) in New Zealand. Mycotaxon 24: 445-458
Micro-reference (page)
Nomenclatural Comment
NEW ZEALAND: Bay of Plenty: Te Puke, No. 3 Road, Baldwin orchard, on small dead branches of populue nigra, Pennycook, 17 Dec 1981 GJS 81-393, HOLOTYPE PDD 45438, ex type ICMP 8003, ATCC 58191
Taxonomic Comment
Has anamorph taxon Neofusicoccum parvum
Governing Code
Is Recombination

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Crous, P.W.; Slippers, B.; Wingfield, M.J.; Rheeder, J.; Marasas, W.F.O.; Phillips, A.J.L.; Alves, A.; Burgess, T.; Barber, P.; Groenewald, J.Z. 2006: Phylogenetic lineages in the Botryosphaeriaceae.Studies in Mycology 55.
Preferred Name
Neofusicoccum parvum (Pennycook & Samuels) Crous, Slippers & A.J.L. Phillips (In use by NZOR) }

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
NZFUNGI (2012-) New Zealand Fungi Names - Name Based Concepts
Has Parent
Botryosphaeria (In use by NZOR)

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
Preferred Name
Neofusicoccum parvum (Pennycook & Samuels) Crous, Slippers & A.J.L. Phillips }

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 2004: New organism records: 29/03/04 - 14/05/04. Biosecurity 52: 25-27

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Johnston, P.R.; Pennycook, S.R.; Manning, M.A. 2005: Taxonomy of fruit-rotting fungal pathogens: what's really out there?. New Zealand Plant Protection 58: 42-46

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Alves, A.; Correia, A.; Luque, J.; Phillips, A.J.L. 2004: Botryosphaeria corticola, sp. nov. on Quercus species, with notes and description of Botryosphaeria stevensii and its anamorph, Diplodia mutila. Mycologia 96(3): 598-613

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 2007: Pest watch: 05/05/2007 - 15/06/2007. Biosecurity 77: 27

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 2004: New organism records: 28/06/04 - 06/08/04. Biosecurity 54: 26-27

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Hartill, W.F.T. 1987: Post-harvest rots of avocados in New Zealand. Australian Microbiologist 8: 154

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Slippers, B.; Crous, P.W.; Denman, S.; Coutinho, T.A.; Wingfield, B.D.; Wingfield, M.J. 2004: Combined multiple gene genealogies and phenotypic characters differentiate several species previously identified as Botryosphaeria dothidea. Mycologia 96(1): 83-101

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Úrbez-Torres, J.R.; Leavitt, G.M.; Voegel, T.M.; Gubler, W.D. 2006: Identification and distribution of Botryosphaeria spp. associated with grapevine cankers in California. Plant Disease 90(12): 1490-1503

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Slippers, B.; Johnson, G.I.; Crous, P.W.; Coutinho, T.A.; Wingfield, B.D.; Wingfield, M.J. 2005: Phylogenetic and morphological re-evaluation of the Botryosphaeria species causing diseases of Mangifera indica. Mycologia 97(1): 99-110

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 1999: New records.Forest Health News 84. New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd..

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 2009: Pest watch: 23 May 2009 - 3 July 2009. Biosecurity 93: 22-23

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Hartill, W.F.T.; Sale, P.R.; Sawden, D.Post-harvest rots of avocados and their control232-236. Proceedings of the 44th New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference.

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 2010: Pest watch: 24 June 2010 - 25 August 2010. Biosecurity 100: 31

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Zhou, S.-G.; Stanosz, G.R. 2001: Relationships among Botryosphaeria species and associated anamorphic fungi inferred from the analyses of ITS and 5.8S rDNA sequences. [N.B. Erratum, Mycologia 94(3): 559-562, 2002, gives corrected versions of Table 1 and Figure 1.]. Mycologia 93(3): 516-527

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Barber, P.A.; Burgess, T.J.; Hardy, G.E.S.; Slippers, B.; Keane, P.J.; Wingfield, M.J. 2005: Botryosphaeria species from Eucalyptus in Australia are pleoanamorphic, producing Dichomera synanamorphs in culture. Mycological Research 109(12): 1347-1363

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Gadgil, P.D. (in association with Dick, M.A.; Hood, I.A.; Pennycook, S.R.) 2005: Fungi on trees and shrubs in New Zealand.Fungi of New Zealand 4. Fungal Diversity Press.

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Amponsah, N.T.; Jones, E.E.; Ridgway, H.J.; Jaspers, M.V.Distribution, identification and inoculum sources of Botryosphaeria species found in New Zealand vineyards58. Proceedings, 16th Biennial Australasian Plant Pathology Society Conference, Adelaide 2007.

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 2006: Pest watch: 18/03/2006 - 05/05/2006. Biosecurity 68: 30-31

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Mohali, S.; Slippers, B.; Wingfield, M.J. 2006: Two new Fusicoccum species from Acacia and Eucalyptus in Venezuela, based on morphology and DNA sequence data. Mycological Research 110(4): 405-413

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 1999: New records.Forest Health News 90. New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd..

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Smith, D.R.; Stanosz, G.R. 2001: Molecular and morphological differentiation of Botryosphaeria dothidea (anamorph Fusicoccum aesculi) from some other fungi with Fusicoccum anamorphs. Mycologia 93(3): 505-515

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Luque, J.; Martos, S.; Phillips, A.J.L. 2006[2005] : Botryosphaeria viticola sp. nov. on grapevines: a new species with a Dothiorella anamorph. Mycologia 97(5): 1111-1121

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Hartill, W.F.T.Post-harvest rots of avocados in New Zealand and their control1157-1162. Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Pests and Diseases - 1992.

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Young, J.M.; Fletcher, M.J. 1988: Accessions 1-9519.International Collection of Micro-organisms from Plants, Catalogue Plant Diseases Division, DSIR [1988]; Landcare Research [1997].

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Pennycook, S.R. 1989: Part II. Fungal plant diseases recorded in New Zealand.Plant Diseases Recorded in New Zealand 2. Plant Diseases Division, DSIR.

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Brook, P.J. Diseases of kiwifruit. In: Warrington, I.J.; Weston, G.C., Kiwifruit: science and management.. Diseases of kiwifruitRay Richards Publisher and New Zealand Society for. 420-428

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Pennycook, S.R.; Samuels, G.J. 1985: Botryosphaeria and Fusicoccum species associated with ripe fruit rot of Actinidia deliciosa (kiwifruit) in New Zealand. Mycotaxon 24: 445-458

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Zhou, S.-G.; Smith, D.R.; Stanosz, G.R. 2001: Differentiation of Botryosphaeria species and related anamorphic fungi using Inter Simple or Short Sequence Repeat (ISSR) fingerprinting.. Mycological Research 105(8): 919-926

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 2004: New organism records: 07/08/04 - 17/09/04. Biosecurity 55: 22-24

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Pennycook, S.R.Fungus diseases of kiwifruitNew Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries,. 54-63. Proceedings of kiwifruit seminar held at Tauranga, September 30, 1981..

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 2002: New organism records: 18/05/02 - 28/06/02. Biosecurity 37: 22-24

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Gure, A.; Slippers, B.; Stenlid, J. 2005: Seed-borne Botryosphaeria spp. from native Prunus and Podocarpus trees in Ethiopia, with a description of the anamorph Diplodia rosulata sp. nov.. Mycological Research 109(9): 1005-1014

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Slippers, B.; Summerell, B.A.; Crous, P.W.; Coutinho, T.A.; Wingfield, B.D.; Wingfield, M.J. 2005: Preliminary studies on Botryosphaeria species from Southern Hemisphere conifers in Australasia and South Africa. Australasian Plant Pathology 34(2): 213-220

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 2009: Pest watch: 1 April 2009 - 22 May 2009. Biosecurity 92: 33-35

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Anonymous 2006: Pest watch: 18/09/2006 - 10/11/2006. Biosecurity 72: 34-35

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Braithwaite, M.; Inglis, C.; Dick, M.A.; Ramsfield, T.D.; Waipara, N.W.; Beever, R.E.; Pay, J.M.; Hill, C.F. 2007: Investigation of oak tree decline in the Auckland region. New Zealand Plant Protection 60: 297-303.

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Phillips, A.J.L.; Alves, A.; Correia, A.; Luque, J. 2005: Two new species of Botryosphaeria with brown, 1-septate ascospores and Dothiorella anamorphs. Mycologia 97(2): 513-529

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Taylor, A.; Hardy, G.E.S.; Wood, P.; Burgess, T. 2005: Identification and pathogenicity of Botryosphaeria species associated with grapevine decline in Western Australia. Australasian Plant Pathology 34(2): 187-195

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Brook, P.J. 1992[1991] : Botrytis stem-end rot and other storage diseases of kiwifruit - a review. Acta Horticulturae 297(2): 545-550

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Pennycook, S.R.; Galloway, D.J. 2004: Checklist of New Zealand "fungi".Fungi of New Zealand 1. Fungal Diversity Press.

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Graham, A.B.; Johnston, P.R.; Weir, B.S. 2009: Three new Phaeoacremonium species on grapevines in New Zealand. Australasian Plant Pathology 38(5): 505-513

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Slippers, B.; Fourie, G.; Crous, P.W.; Coutinho, T.A.; Wingfield, B.D.; Wingfield, M.J. 2004: Multiple gene sequences delimit Botryosphaeria australis sp. nov. from B. lutea. Mycologia 96(5): 1030-1041

Taxon Concept

NZOR Concept Id
According to
Phillips, A.J.L.; Oudemans, P.V.; Correia, A.; Alves, A. 2006: Characterisation and epitypification of Botryosphaeria corticis, the cause of blueberry cane canker. Fungal Diversity 21: 141-155

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