Cuphocybe olivacea R. Heim
NZOR Identifier: 08e0f609-e004-4a27-a47e-8b1063f645b2Status
- Synonym of Cortinarius elaiochrous E. Horak, M.M. Moser, Peintner & Vilgalys (NZOR Concept Id 2e2c38cf-0f36-4f8f-826f-e5065a7984a6)
- kingdom
- Fungi
- subkingdom
- Dikarya
- phylum
- Basidiomycota
- subphylum
- Agaricomycotina
- class
- Agaricomycetes
- subclass
- Agaricomycetidae
- order
- Agaricales
- suborder
- Agaricineae
- family
- Cortinariaceae
- genus
- Cuphocybe
- species
- Cuphocybe olivacea R. Heim
Scientific Name
- Authority
- R. Heim
- Rank
- species
- Published in
- Heim, R. 1951: Notes sur la flore mycologique des terres du Pacifique Sud. III. Sur les Secotium de Nouvelle-Zélande et la phylogénie de ce genre. Revue de Mycologie 16(2): 129-153
- Micro-reference (page)
- 8
- Year
- 1951
- Nomenclatural Comment
- New Zealand,Heim, typified by Plate 2,
- Governing Code
- Is Recombination
- No
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 5e7cd0ec-a5d1-4de0-a5e9-b6fea0170344
- According to
- Segedin, B.P.; Pennycook, S.R. 2001: A nomenclatural checklist of agarics, boletes, and related secotioid and gasteromycetous fungi recorded from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 39(2): 285-348
- Preferred Name
- Cortinarius elaiochrous E. Horak, M.M. Moser, Peintner & Vilgalys (In use by NZOR) }
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- ac8d4a54-fe7e-4fa6-9a49-d9d6b858e511
- According to
- NZFUNGI (2012-) New Zealand Fungi Names - Name Based Concepts
- Has Parent
- Cuphocybe (In use by NZOR)
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 745e1300-5558-43d4-adeb-1913bf69b72f
- According to
- Soop, K. ed. 2002: Cortinarioid Fungi of New Zealand.2nd revised Edition ed. Éditions Scientrix.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 6f312cc7-2bad-4b06-9b5b-2bdcfabd2c2f
- According to
- Heim, R. 1950: Sur le flore mycologique de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences 230: 2245-2248
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 0cd824e9-7709-4b74-80ec-3d56f5ef9e25
- According to
- Heim, R. 1951: Un mycologue dans la hêtraie australe. Revue International de Botanique Appliquée et d'Agriculture Tropicale 31: 54-69
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 24b0ad1e-aab2-42bf-9af2-43eb14cc44ba
- According to
- McKenzie, E.H.C.; Buchanan, P.K.; Johnston, P.R. 2000: Checklist of fungi on Nothofagus species in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 38(4): 635-720
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 599801a2-c1c0-4d34-9cf3-65df8780f4dc
- According to
- Pegler, D.N.; Young, T.W.K. 1971: Basidiospore morphology in the Agaricales.Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 35.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 7f24ace2-d906-4ec0-86c5-686ca8a511e3
- According to
- Taylor, G.M. 1990: Tongariro National Park Fungal Foray – May 18–21, 1989 [4th NZ Fungal Foray]. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 19: 1, 13–16 [+ cover]
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 55d0376b-4eb7-4b04-a2de-735b42064b34
- According to
- Heim, R. 1951: Notes sur la flore mycologique des terres du Pacifique Sud. III. Sur les Secotium de Nouvelle-Zélande et la phylogénie de ce genre. Revue de Mycologie 16(2): 129-153
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- a01e5c64-7d5e-49ce-ab27-9260c40f8d43
- According to
- Soop, K. ed. 2003: Cortinarioid Fungi of New Zealand.3rd Revised Edition ed. Éditions Scientrix.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 0dc7f32a-e539-4bf8-ab3e-984747f10dd3
- According to
- Horak, E. 1973: Fungi Agaricini Novazelandiae I-V.Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 43.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 95b4ac17-8f03-42b1-9445-d00a3eab5606
- According to
- Soop, K. ed. 1999: Cortinarioid Fungi of New Zealand.[original version] ed. Karl Soop.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- bea3c3f9-6359-457f-99b1-e01a2664ce4c
- According to
- Peintner, U.; Horak, E.; Moser, M.M.; Vilgalys, R. 2002: Phylogeny of Rozites, Cuphocybe and Rapacea inferred from ITS and LSU rDNA sequences. Mycologia 94(4): 620–629
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 30ef9262-ab0e-4d5e-83c1-e077b14394cc
- According to
- Taylor, G.M. ed. 1981: Mushrooms and Toadstools. Reed.
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 92cb84af-7d81-4745-a620-eaeaa94c75a0
- According to
- Segedin, B.P. 1987: An annotated checklist of agarics and boleti recorded from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 25(2): 185-215
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 8af0557a-ec20-4fa0-8494-f2959ecd9932
- According to
- Horak, E. 1971: A contribution towards the revision of the Agaricales (Fungi) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9(3): 403-462
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- 2da1046d-296c-404d-9ed8-f52f6c48744e
- According to
- Soop, K. 2000: Images des champignons cotinarioïdes de Nouvelle-Zélande. Journal des J.E.C. 2: 63-70
Taxon Concept
- NZOR Concept Id
- c71a8698-e5b4-4213-96cf-fdd81449b85f
- According to
- Ridley, G.S. 2004: A System for the Development of English Language Names for Agarics and Boletes in New Zealand (and Australia?). Australasian Mycologist 23(1): 27-30
No subordinate taxa
Application - has vernacular
- Full Name
- Olive Flatfoot
- Name Id
- 1230a7c0-a4ec-4dfb-92a4-d2ff9a5dad3d
- According To
- Ridley, G.S. 2004: A System for the Development of English Language Names for Agarics and Boletes in New Zealand (and Australia?). Australasian Mycologist 23(1): 27-30
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